The Cuban mainland populations have been declining at a rate of over 1% per year for the last 10 years.
Some of the species found in the park include Quenda, Ring tailed possums and one of the few mainland populations of Quokkas.
Both the island and mainland populations continue to be considered vulnerable by the ALBC, Slow Food, and others.
The population on the island of Nosy Be appears to be stable, but the mainland populations are threatened by habitat loss.
However this claim was disputed and the Keilor crania and Tasmanian populations were both considered to be within the range of the south-eastern mainland population.
The Laos specimen is smaller (about 20%) than the other known mainland population.
Many of the animals and plants are in refugia, where they are remote from factors that threaten mainland populations.
The non-aboriginal mainland population during this time never exceeded about 150 at Fort Victoria, mostly HBC employees and their families.
The Old World sophistication that made the island distinctive is threatened by a booming mainland population.
Genetic material from Europe is being avoided, so no trees are being introduced from the mainland European population.