Its main volume is a square supported by four columns in the middle.
In all, the new edition consists of 12 main volumes and two separate short story volumes.
By the late 1920s, several folios had detached completely and were kept separate from the main volume.
The board released the main volume of its final report two weeks ago, and has said it will release supplementary materials in the coming weeks.
As of March 2013, 10 main volumes and a spin-off novel have been published.
Later guidebook writers have disagreed, adding and the remainder of the range to their main volumes.
The main volumes follow the classical rules, and usually are perfectly symmetrical.
We were now inside the main volume of the tower.
Later guidebook writers have chosen to include the whole range in their main volumes.
If set to 100% the auto-muting volume will be the same as the main volume.