The ramp silently closed and the craft's main thrusters roared.
The only tricky part of the turnaround maneuver was that they had to shut down the main thrusters.
When the main thrusters cut off, Dan felt completely at ease.
He accelerated into the system on his main thruster, sweeping the space ahead of him with the deep-radar.
The ship was still rolling when Wolruf hit the main thrusters.
"Fire up the main thrusters and let's get out of here."
It flipped over, its main thrusters throwing wild shadows across the landscape.
Target the Earth ship's main thrusters and bring power directly to our weapons sensors.
At that point, the computer switched off the main thrusters and it was possible to hear again.
Why should one of the officers have had to go aft to operate the main thrusters on manual?