A second option was to capture Rangoon, the capital and main seaport, by a seaborne invasion.
It is a main seaport of the country on the Atlantic Ocean.
Everyone knew that Rotterdam was, if not the capital, then the main seaport of Hell.
Biumar - Glin's main seaport and second most populous city.
Later we drove 25 miles to Durres, the country's main seaport and beach resort.
Its common name is derived from the main seaport on the island, Makassar.
Veracruz is Mexico's main seaport in the Gulf of Mexico.
The country's main airport and main seaport are near Roseau, the capital.
Stanley, the capital of the islands and the main seaport is in East Falkland.
It was the former main seaport of Aceh.