A main rationale for downsizing is that closer relationships with students lead to better attendance.
The main rationale for imposing indefinite as opposed to fixed sentences is to protect the community.
The main rationale for establishing common minimum standards is to avoid a 'race to the bottom' in international regulatory rules.
The main rationale for this research was to find out the benefits of using literature circles in English as a foreign language learning environments.
There are two main rationales that focus on how to implement impact fees.
In theory, it is intended to be safer, which was the main rationale for the change in the fishing rules.
The main rationale for this decision was the mayor's control over the appointment of the board.
The main rationale behind it was that "peace is more than the absence of violence".
The main rationale behind these schemes is the desire for Australia to benefit from the skills of foreign graduates.
Their main rationale: the line between victim and killer is too blurred.