They met with the main nuclear negotiator for North Korea, Kim Kye-gwan, and other senior leaders.
Toledo was the main negotiator in 1987 during the Atlanta Prison Riots.
One was a main negotiator for inmates who rioted in Oakdale, La.
Philocrates was the name of the main Athenian negotiator of the Treaty.
"It's absolutely baffling that these workers would lose $200 or $300 for a night's work over this," said Richard Wilsker, the restaurants' main negotiator.
The main negotiator on behalf of the Libyan people was Mahmoud Jibril.
Nielson was also one of the main negotiators of the 1990 Clean Air Act.
Mr. Forsman was one of the main negotiators for the Indians.
In 2012 he served as the HiG's main negotiator with the United States.
But Bob Master, the main negotiator for the unions, predicted that the rank and file would approve it.