As the world's lone superpower, the United States is increasingly the main guarantor of global security and economic well-being, administration officials contend.
The improving relations between Washington and Beijing, and between China's Communist government and its neighbors, are the main guarantor of future stability in East Asia.
They identify the state as the main guarantor of private property (through the repressive apparatus: the police, justice), hence the abolition of the state is their main target.
He said that most court decisions had long determined that publications were not the main guarantors of the truth of their advertisements.
Investors see Mr Dombrovskis as the main guarantor of the rescue loans agreed.
He has formed strong friendships with power figures in both the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States, Kazakhstan's main guarantor of independence.
They say it will be two years or more before Iraqis can be expected to begin replacing American units as the main guarantors of security.
It added that the new ambassador seems determined to fight to make the United Nations become the main guarantor of international stability and security.
He describes Russia as the main guarantor of stability in the Caucasus and has strong ties with the like-minded Abkhaz leadership.
With Syrian troops the main guarantor of security, Beirut in important ways remains a satellite of Damascus.