In October 2009, Megan Howard left the group but continued with the bands main gigs until they find someone else.
So there Mr. Broderick was on a night he called in sick for his main gig, talking about times he did not call in sick.
Otherwise, why put her on the 'magazine' show rather than give her a shot at the main presenting gig?
What do five brass players of the Westchester Chamber Orchestra do between main gigs?
Today, making furniture and other woodwork is his main gig, while his drum playing has segued into an avocational refrain.
But Mr. Tweedy has gotten so wickedly effective as a solo performer that he could make that his main gig, should he want to.
Popper left this side project to focus on his main gig with Blues Traveler full-time.
Cat moved over to WNBC, where her main gig was the station's Features Reporter, primarily on Today in New York, and the 11 O'clock News.
Will your radio show be your main gig from here on in?
Sometimes their muse pulls them in a direction that they find isn't quite appropriate for their main gig, hence what is known as a side project.