Lachesilla is the main genus in the psocopteran family Lachesillidae.
Taxa above the genus level are often given names based on the main ('type') genus, with a standard termination.
There are three main genera in the family of high clouds: cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus.
The Lipisosteidae family consists of the following main genera and species:
Caenolestes is the main genus, and the group as a whole may be called 'caenolestids'.
The former are now known as Danainae, the milkweed butterflies, main genus Danaus.
The latter are now known as the subfamily Heliconiinae, the long-wings, main genus Heliconius.
Elaphe is one of the main genera of the rat snakes, which are found in many regions of the northern hemisphere.
The name of the tribe comes from its main genus - Tigridia.
The main genus used with that purposes are: pines, cypresses and firs and taxodiums.