Diplomats claim that Saudi Arabian donors are the main funders of non-governmental armed groups like Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).
The Federal Republic of Germany and the federal state of Berlin have been shareholders and main funders since 1976.
One of Reid's key challenges was to keep the trade unions (the Labour Party's main funders) on-side despite the antipathy shown by the Unions to many of the Government's proposals.
One of their main funders is the Open Society Institute, which also funds Human Rights Watch.
The main funder of the school, as well as head of governors, is Mr. Joshua Rowe.
And then there is Saudi Arabia, which produced the young men who flew planes into the World Trade Center and whose wealthy citizens were probably the main funders of the attacks.
Although teleSUR has Cuba as one of its main funders and suppliers of programming, the channel is not completely available in the country.
Its main funders are the Hewlett Foundation and the Open Society Foundation.
In 2011, Visit London was put into administration by the Greater London Authority (its main funder) and replaced with a new organisation, London & Partners.
We are continually working on this and also in relation to the UN initiative and as the main funder of humanitarian aid to Chechnya.