The main farmhouse is a combination of three structures erected during different eras.
The main farmhouse was built in 1828, with five modifications through 1910.
There are three buildings on the property: the main farmhouse, a barn and a garage.
There are rooms in the main farmhouse and newer, garden cottages, all with views.
These stores used to be built within sight, but at a distance from the main farmhouse.
The main farmhouse was considered not worth repairing in 1368.
There was the main farmhouse, a garage for machinery, and the barn where the kids had been kept.
We spent little time in our room (the light was too dim for reading) but hung around the main farmhouse.
In 1902 a nearby main farmhouse was set on fire by lighning.
The property also includes the site of the demolished main farmhouse, a smaller house, a barn, and garage.