Not only was Vic a key participant in the discussions that produced this document, but he was the main drafter of it.
As one of the main drafters of the law, Kobach has stated that the way the law has been written makes any form of racial profiling illegal.
However, we do know that in response to the draft received in Mexico, he wrote to one of the main drafters of the letter, "As usual, great work."
Senator William Freeman Vilas of Wisconsin, the main drafter of the National Democratic Party's platform, was a favorite of the delegates.
In 2004 he was one of the main drafters of Iraq's Transitional Administrative Law (TAL).
He helped overthrow Gustavus IV Adolphus in 1809 and was one of the main drafters of the constitution of Sweden in 1809.
Nikitchenko was one of the three main drafters of the London Charter.
While serving at the ministry of rites, he became one of the main drafters of edicts for Emperor Suzong's son Emperor Daizong.
He was also the main drafter of the National Democratic Party's platform.
He was one of the main drafters of the country's Constitution last year, and it was during that time that he forged relationships with Kurdish parties.