The body is organised in three main directorates and corporate services, each with responsibility for different aspects and modes of transport.
The three main directorates are:
The Metropolitan Police Service of Greater London is organised into four main directorates, each with differing responsibilities.
The main and central directorates operated post exchange, health care, and recreational facilities for military personnel.
In 1996 the General Staff included fifteen main directorates and an undetermined number of operating agencies.
Its main directorate was led by count Gustaw Potworowski.
After the war he became first senior quartermaster of the General Staff's main directorate, while maintaining his position as professor at the General Staff Academy.
Later he was named commander of the troops in Morocco and replaced José Sanjurjo in the main directorate of the Civil Guard.
The Chief of the main directorate of military intelligence is brigadier general Wilfredo Figueroa Chacín.
In 1928 he was made chief of a main directorate of the Civil Guard.