"The main deficiency of this organization is that it is poorly managed," he said.
A main deficiency of the police now, the official said, is keeping the current helicopter fleet flying.
He thought that the module's main deficiency was that it is far too small.
Throughout the brief flight trials and "real world" assessments, the main deficiency of being underpowered remained unresolved.
However, control by killing the mosquito larvae suffers from two main deficiencies.
The main deficiency was the Selenium cell used for converting light waves into electric impulses, which responded too slowly thus spoiling the effect.
One of the main deficiencies in the present survey, department officials said, was the first question interviewers asked householders, whether by visit or by telephone.
The main deficiency with the Notitia is that it lacks any personnel figures so as to render estimates of army size impossible.
The battle demonstrated Hood's main deficiency as a battlefield commander: his willingness to attack without adequate reconnaissance.