While Basel I is generally credited with improving bank risk management it suffered from two main defects.
The main defects, such as bad soldering or cracked housings, become problems only under certain conditions, like a humid environment.
Their main defect is that they are too few, and too small.
Right knowledge must be free from three main defects: doubt, delusion, and indefiniteness.
Most clinical observations of the condition report mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and seizures as the main defects.
The main defect of that leadership, in his view, was how little it contributed to helping people understand the relevance of socialist policies to their needs.
The condition mainly occurs in women, and it is thought by some to be one of the main defects encountered problem in perineology.
After the appraisal, the designer reviews the main defects the real estate expert pointed out and describes their plan to fix them.
His main defect was his unwillingness to regard the Senate as having a right to pass judgment on his treaties.
The main defect of such a proclamation is that it contains no demand for discipleship.