He became the main critic and "ideologist" of the new Cuban art, which he supported since its inception.
He regularly took his entire cabinet to meet the people in popular forums, making himself accountable in a way his main western critics never would.
Mr. Flick's main critics are Jews, but so too are many of his supporters.
It received a relatively lower ratings in the main critics (around 49% from 2 reviews on Metacritic).
The United States has been the main critic of Russia's help in building the complex, which eventually would contain two reactors.
Edmund Carter was one of Ellison's main critics and opponents.
Uhruh is also one of the main critics of the Afshar experiment.
After emigrating abroad, black-hundredists became the main right-wing critics of the White movement.
But this failed to impress Microsoft's main critics.
The main critics were some of the 2011 Freeholder candidates and a union organization.