From then on and until the late 1650s, he was considered as the main cannon and bellmaker of Moscow.
The majority of the fortification still remains, among other the main cannons and soldier's barracks.
Its main cannon glowed red, and the light began to blossom like the bud of a flower.
These limitations led to the development of a hybrid system, where the missile was fired through the barrel of the tank's main cannon.
In addition, the player operates a specialty weapon that is separate from the main cannon.
The only difference between the two versions being the type of main cannon mounted in the turret.
Others ordered Abrams tanks to blast away with their main cannons.
Still fun but not convinced it deserves a place in the main cannon.
Now, with no advance warning from the bridge, the warship's main cannon had been armed.
He becomes strong enough to deflect the capital's main cannon, and defeated numerous bandits all by himself.