Away from the main campground are located the ruins of an old dance hall.
Camping is a good way to enjoy Zion, and the park has two main campgrounds with fresh water and bathrooms.
But not so its location, backing directly on the park's main campground and abutting the entrance station.
It didn't seem possible, but the winding road got even darker and quieter as they continued away from the dive center and main campground.
The area has one main campground, Rock Creek.
Two of the Yurts are located in the main campground.
Three are located on a beachfront location separated from the main campground by the administration and day use areas.
The main campground was actually in a thicketted hollow immediately east of the church.
A short trail connects the main campground to the Wood River's headwaters spring.
Campgrounds A main campground is adjacent to the visitors center.