She left Lexie to answer the technical questions, and went down to the main cafeteria for something to eat.
As of August 1, 2012, the only part of the plant still standing is the main cafeteria and administration building.
Along with the restaurants there was a main cafeteria that was able to fit nearly 300 people.
They started sweating during the suiting up at 20:00, after dinner in the main cafeteria.
He ate it with another sailor from his sectio& in the main cafeteria.
Student organization offices are also on this floor and the main cafeteria is also there.
Peter was waiting for them inside the entrance to the main cafeteria; he recognized Monty at once, and the two men shook hands.
Anyway, I'll see you in the main cafeteria at lunchtime or a little after.
She suggested a meal and coffee in the main cafeteria.
The main cafeteria is situated alongside the West hall.