The main benefactors of this new era are likely to be chief executives of large, public corporations.
After the collapse of the island's main benefactor, the Soviet Union, some private enterprise was allowed.
In tribute to his main benefactors, he named the horse Benny Mason.
She joined the board that same year and by 2000 was the main financial benefactor.
According to this plan, the south would continue growing, but the east and northeast would be the main benefactors.
The Wilbraham family later became the main benefactor and, by 1716, they were nominating the school's masters.
Chemung County, the library's main benefactor, is looking to cut spending and raise taxes to close a $13 million budget deficit.
He shows respect for the earth mother goddess but clearly looks to the male Sky gods as his main benefactors.
Some have even questioned the motives of the project's main benefactor.
Germany has been the main benefactor from the increased size in their home market.