They kicked their horses into a wild gallop and be- gan to career down the hill toward the main battlefield.
Where danger threatened, the reserves had to occupy the main battlefield in depth.
Well, now, there were three main battlefields by land.
Without swift preservation efforts, the nation stands to lose two-thirds of its main battlefields within 10 years.
Aides say it is a powerful motivating force on the president as he wars against terrorism, with his main battlefield now Iraq.
Here in the boiling cauldron of the main battlefield, bloody conflict stretched out on every side.
White uses 7 f3 to anchor his center and aims to make the main battlefield a mating attack on the black king.
The main battlefield for this culture war has been U.S. regional and state school boards.
The operation was extremely successful in keeping more than 41,000 Iraqi forces from repositioning to the main battlefield.
The main battlefield for good is not the open ground of the public arena but the small clearing of each heart.