He did not stop, nor, I fear, did he recognize me until the maid announced my name.
I was wondering if she had hidden it or taken it with her when the maid announced Sugita's arrival.
I asked at last, and then, before she could reply, the door was opened, and to my disgust her maid announced a visitor.
"They've a real good cook here," the maid announced.
The maids announced that Nakanokimi's toilet was finished and that she had returned to the main room.
"Dinner is served," announced a black maid, appearing at the door.
The maid came in and announced that a young man wished to speak to him.
Once, during the winter, at about five o'clock in the morning, the half-clothed maid announced a visitor to the student.
A twittering maid announced a messenger from the household of the bridegroom.
Shortly after luncheon the maid announced that the man from the police was here again.