He had been studying a magnificent painting of Achilles sulking by his ships, and turned at the sound of her voice.
Kalf's magnificent still life paintings vary little in their structure, and most of them actually feature the same objects.
The magnificent paintings of the Louvre were not for me intimately connected with the hands that had painted them.
Selby has some magnificent paintings in that stuffy old mansion of his.
The machine-gun fire also ripped across two magnificent paintings set high on the west wall above a colossal stone table.
Silvan passed by magnificent paintings and wondrous tapestries without a glance.
The panorama, Shaikyr reflected, would make a magnificent painting.
He did not want his minion to be creating such magnificent paintings, so full of warmth and kindness.
Covering the whole back fence was a magnificent painting of the San Francisco fire of 1906.
This large building had been completely filled with sand preserving a series of magnificent paintings.