The magnificent baroque façade at Plaza de la Merced was however set up in 1748.
Behind the magnificent facade of imperial dominion has flourished unspeakable corruption and cruelty.
Structurally the building is a rectangular box, with a magnificent main facade and a windowed side facade.
His original plan of 1848 showed a magnificent façade with a huge portico having double colonnades and an Italianate tower at the east end.
The 1907 building's magnificent façade won several prizes and includes a sculpture of Hugo's face by Fonquergne.
The old McKim building is notable for its magnificent facade and exquisite interior art.
Beyond it rose a replica of the most magnificent Gothic façade in all Venice.
It was demolished in the 1990s except for the magnificent facade.
The magnificent facade was cracked and holed, smoke-blackened and fire-damaged.
The portal to the chapel of the Hospital, facing the Rossio, had a magnificent façade in manueline style.