Its most basic form involves the alignment of the net magnetization vector of the electron spins in a constant magnetic field.
This rotation generates a signal which is maximized if the magnetization vector is exactly in the xy-plane.
If Δω is 0 then the microwave field rotates as fast as the magnetization vector and both appear to be stationary to each other.
These fluctuations contribute to a faster fanning out of the magnetization vector.
Then an external magnetic field could make the magnetization vectors parallel thereby affecting the electrical resistance of the structure.
Here we use the decomposition of the magnetization vector into its magnitude M and the direction vector while A is the so-called exchange constant.
The flip angle is the rotation of the net magnetization vector by a radiofrequency pulse relative to the main magnetic field.
The magnetization vector of these nanoparticles is analogous to the polarization vector in all other implementations.
When the magnetization vector is perpendicular to the reflection surface and parallel to the plane of incidence, the effect is called the polar Kerr effect.
In the longitudinal effect, the magnetization vector is parallel to both the reflection surface and the plane of incidence.