It is also possible to store anti-matter in other kinds of electrical or magnetic "traps".
This is as easy as running a current through a wire, making magnetic traps excellent for holding atoms in place on small scales.
The Arcturian tells him his ship is caught in a magnetic trap and is falling towards a nearby asteroid.
Shards of plasma caught in magnetic traps fumed free, lost.
We know that they're magnetic traps, Panov has proven it very wittily.
The magnetic traps were the responsibility of Engineer Ivan Zhilin.
Ivan and I are going to reorientate the magnetic traps.
The magnetic trap (as a way of trapping very cold atoms) was first proposed by David Pritchard.
The only creative part lay in realizing that the Costa, now weighing less than five kilograms, could be transferred to a small portable magnetic trap.
After that, magnetic traps were added to give the atoms even more stability.