Makkah, then, is the center of the seven continents as well as the meeting point of magnetic gravitational radiations.
'We normally put those down to magnetic radiation, don't we?'
A sample of 2,842 active workers was grouped occupationally, and their exposure to magnetic radiation on the job was measured.
But within the study group, workers with the highest exposures to magnetic radiation died from brain cancer at 2.5 times the rate of men with the lowest exposure.
Further research reveals a never-before-seen reaction from the accumulated atomic waste-powerful emissions of magnetic radiation.
Initially, they reported great success suggesting that qi can be measured as a form of electrical magnetic radiation.
The advertisement does not mention magnetic radiation, and company executives said the shield does not affect such radiation in any way.
Special care was taken to provide internal magnetic shielding, containing the magnetic radiation and preventing interference with the picture.
Koenig took an Eagle out to investigate and lost control due to interference from the magnetic radiation.
B9 A study links high levels of magnetic radiation to brain cancer.