In a controversial judgement, the magistrate found Gunn guilty and fined him £10.
The results come after a string of allegations of poor hygiene at Tesco premises, including a case last October in which magistrates in Cardiff fined Tesco £6,000 for selling a chocolate cake gnawed by rats.
The magistrate placed Jones on a nine-month good-behaviour bond and fined him $1000.
Although she did not appear personally, the magistrate, Mr Denman, fined her £5 with 2s costs.
The magistrates agreed - and fined him £250.
The magistrates fined her £130 and disqualified her from driving for 19 months.
The magistrate fined Bo a thousand dollars and placed him upon stringent probation.
A magistrate found Ms. Dee guilty of a misdemeanor and fined her $25.
The magistrate fined him twenty shillings and let him go.
Bedale magistrates fined him a total of £200 with £127 costs.