If mediation is unsuccessful, the magistrate will consider the words and evidence of both parties and render a written decision.
The magistrate now considered it his duty to send a couple of constables to search the chamber of the accused in the house of his uncle.
One question that courts and magistrates have been considering is whether the 9/11 families might be entitled to the money held in Osama's trust fund.
The magistrate considered what was best for the four as well as "what is in the best interest of the public for security," Mr. Munks said.
After an alleged crime was reported, a magistrate, or judge, would consider the presented evidence and decide whether it was a true crime.
The scheme was replaced by requirements that magistrates consider an offender's means when imposing a fine, just not according to a mathematical formula.
In other cases, the examining magistrate must consider the evidence tendered by the prosecution and decide if there are sufficient grounds for committing the accused for trial.
Before passing sentence, the magistrate may consider pre-sentencing reports.
In 1700 local magistrates considered converting the King's head into an overflow jail, but the sum of £400 for refurbishment was thought to be prohibitively expensive.
The magistrates considered a jail sentence.