"Am I supposed to magically transport this whole army to the ground you choose?"
Now it was like being magically transported during sleep, waking up in a different place.
This way of life lasted until the island was magically transported back to its original location.
There was no possible way this could be real, even if he had been magically transported to some world where such skies existed.
The food is then magically transported to the tables.
It was like I was being magically transported a quarter of a century back in time.
You are not magically transported to Antigua, where gambling is legal.
It wouldn't have been enough for them to just be magically transported without it suddenly being a tremendous surprise coming at that moment.
Every night, Harry would be magically transported into the house, which, once he was inside, was set in its own magical landscape.
Then the beast magically transported the merchant home, with all his wealth and treasures restored.