He is best known for writing a series of articles and pamphlets about original magical techniques and plots.
Individuals also frequently employed magical techniques for personal purposes.
Some of his apparently magical techniques were exposed in 1952 by David Norris.
She was adopted by Zeldalia at a young age, and was taught many magical techniques.
It also provides the Mage with an understanding of how to change reality, through specific magical techniques.
Others take only specific aspects of his overall system, such as his magical techniques, ethics, mysticism, or religious ideas, while ignoring the rest.
First, standard magical techniques were being used.
Clearly he could not, without the use of magical techniques.
Philo recognized that Jews and Christians were still using similar magical techniques but giving them different names.
It is theorized that they are planning to torture him to extract magical techniques which can be united with their own dark sorcery.