Alfred chanted beneath his breath; either his magic was aiding his breathing or his walking, Haplo wasn't certain, but he guessed the walking, amazed that the clumsy-footed Sartan made it over the treacherous span.
But Maggie realized Raspberry was too polite to bring the subject up directly, so she asked, "Do you mean you practice learning extra skills your magic doesn't aid you with?
But the magic of the Beaconfolk also aided his cause, and so my conscience has been torn between loyalty to my liege lord and certain knowledge that sigils are evil and can't help but ruin the souls of those who use them.
Ancient magic had aided the Sisters of the Light in their task by altering time at the palace so that they would have the time needed, in the absence of an experienced wizard, to teach the boys to control their magic.
No magic would aid Danica now, she knew, only her thousands and thousands of hours of difficult training, those many years she had spent perfecting her style of fighting and, more importantly, dodging.
Otherwise, even with the magic of the Sword of Leah to aid them, he wasn't sure they would prevail.
He sat and gazed for hours at the ju-ju stave, hoping in desperation that black magic would aid him, where his mind failed.
"If he inflicts pain to gain magical powers, if he speaks of death and uses skulls and twisted blades and blood, then his magic is surely ill, and aided by evil."
But all his magic did not aid him the night we of Tecuhltli stormed his castle and butchered all his people.