One particular November afternoon, everything seemed in its place - the gurgling fishtank, the Highlights magazines strewn all over the floor and the wall hangings, artwork signed by the orthodontist's wife.
Two ancient sofas of indeterminate color were sagging against opposite walls, surrounded by an assortment of folding and wooden chairs that would have been cheap if new, and the magazines strewn on the only table would have made an archaeologist sit up and take notice.
She gulped some wine, picked up her Mario Vargas Llosa novel, read one paragraph, then closed it noisily and rummaged through the pile of crumpled magazines strewn across the bed, which they had not removed before making love an hour or so earlier.
Emily was tidying away the magazines and books strewn around Lucillia's room when Has came to tell her that Mevrouw van Tecqx had arrived and wished to see her.
The magazines, strewn haphazardly over various sections of shelving, served to divert her temporarily.
A few cheap magazines strewn about, and yesterday's newspapers--all with a day's dust on them.
"I remember seeing magazines strewn across the floor and on the front seat, about 20 of them," she told the jury.
When I went up to her room that day, in addition to the usual magazines strewn about, and brushes left on the mats near her tiny makeup stand, I found an apple core and an empty whiskey bottle under the table.