That's when I got an idea of a magazine geared to the singles market in Westchester that would list events and happenings in the county.
Pickover is an inventor with over 140 patents, the author of puzzle calendars, and puzzle contributor to magazines geared to children and adults.
However, in more recent times, companies are now using white models for ads in their magazines geared towards the younger generation.
Since she appeared in her first television commercials for department stores at the age of 6, she has done many more, and has been featured in Seventeen and other magazines geared toward teen-agers.
And the media plan calls for plastering construction sites with posters and buying ads in magazines geared to a downtown crowd, like Flaunt and Paper.
Editors often like to think they possess supernatural powers, but the people at GamePro, the country's third-largest magazine geared to teenage boys, have embraced that conceit literally.
Had this been in a magazine not geared to a literary audience accustomed to such devices, we would have been obliged to make it more obvious.
Andy Secher, based in New York City, is the long-time editor of Hit Parader, a magazine geared for the heavy metal rock and roll audience.
"I'm definitely Latino but Americanized," said Mr. Rodriguez, 26, a promotions manager for Urban Latino, a bimonthly magazine geared to second-generation Latinos.