Dressed hair is as important to the overall appearance as a well made-up face.
Seen from the front, her heavily made-up face might conceal her identity.
Michelle was a very young, very pretty girl with a vividly made-up face.
His eyes traveled about him in bewilderment for a moment, then they lighted on the made-up face of Bull.
Her made-up face was ready for a night of signaling people to come closer, or to go away.
Her carefully made-up face looks amused; we are sharing a joke.
For a moment, the physician stared in troubled fashion at the made-up face beneath.
G-8 put them on, but left his made-up face as it was.
Her dark hair was done in braids and her face made-up only by nature.
The blue eyes glittered very hard in the carefully made-up face.