He cherishes the mad ambition of being the support of the Republic.
They have the same will to power, the same disdain for the individual, the same mad global ambitions.
"What mad ambition drove me to become a cruiser captain?"
Max could barely get his mind round the enormity of his father's mad ambition.
The terrorists, he said, demonstrate "the same mad, global ambitions," and display a "brutal determination to control every life and all of life."
Now something more than frustration and mad ambition drove her, banishing all pain and ugliness in its path.
He did not want to see his native tower smashed by Nris-Pol's mad ambitions.
"But you were saying that his mad ambitions might have been completely sane."
How could anyone ever be certain that the goodwill of the present would not again drift into mad ambition?
They had "the same mad, global ambitions," he said.