Written in Spanish, they also comment on national macroeconomic issues.
"With everyone doing the vote on the same day, everyone was dealing with the same macroeconomic issues, like the retirement 'big bump' and health insurance."
Even though the parliament has now been handed precise economic information, the 129-member body cannot vote on macroeconomic issues.
One of the things the model didn't deal with was the gap between macroeconomic issues and the supervision of institutions.
"But these macroeconomic issues will be difficult to overcome."
External debt has evaporated as a macroeconomic issue; it is about $160 billion today, roughly what it was in 1995.
Owners of small businesses stuck to macroeconomic issues.
With regard to macroeconomic issues, I would like to refer to three points.
It is essential for the Standing Committee on Employment to encompass macroeconomic issues and take part in drawing up economic policy guidelines.
This Kind of economic thought has tried to provide neoclassical microeconomic mechanisms to help analyze macroeconomic issues.