However, all grunge bands shunned the macho, anthemic and fashion-focused style of hard rock at that time.
The character is all bogus macho style in the service of an emotionally crippling need.
Mr. Gray's team had a slightly macho style, using exhortations like "Let's eat that rock!"
They usually have a strange macho style supposing that everybody shares their sexual liberty.
"It was crazy," said Mr. Flay, whose red-haired boyish good looks and macho style have helped make him a star.
His own macho style is one that suits Stojko's short, blocky body and his martial arts, motocross lifestyle.
Plodding melodies draw attention to Brown's unpleasantly macho style.
She is known for her macho style of singing.
But there is no doubt that the artist's macho style is enhanced by the fissure.
This macho style is now socially and literarily incorrect.