Men, machinery and supplies moved out of the ship on wide conveyor ramps.
The machinery suddenly moves, and in the blink of an eye we are where the story begins.
He knew how machinery moved, and this wasn't it.
When the machinery moved again, The Shadow might be able to wreck it.
In many ways, then, Europe's machinery for the conduct of international relations was moving into a new era.
In fact, other troops were still assembling three more of the structures, while heavy machinery moved crates into the existing buildings.
The gigantic machinery of the invasion had moved into high gear.
His orders went to chaps like Wally; and the well-oiled machinery moved.
When the machinery moved, as it was obliged to, the field changed as well.
By last week, only six floors remained as machinery moved in to complete the work, so the foundations for town houses could be laid.