For the first time Dan noticed what was on the table an odd-looking machine resembling a tape player.
Also, the character Samantha from Medabots uses a new machine resembling a hybrid between her usual Peppercat and the mascot of a Filipino restaurant chain, Jollibee.
Some of the robots are small, primitive, motorized machines resembling remote-controlled cars with heat sensors.
There is a sort of machine resembling a stone coffin, in which mutinous convicts are confined for a given time.
Henry Mill obtains a British patent for a machine resembling a typewriter.
Meanwhile, the government has attempted to find a way to fix "the internet," a large machine resembling a giant Linksys wireless router, which has stopped functioning for an unknown reason.
Sten ducked behind a large machine resembling a drill press as the first of Thoresen's troops burst into the lab.
Instead it is a menacing, six-legged machine resembling a crab.
It is a much larger machine, resembling a crossover of a fire engine with a dachshound.
Fettering me to a chair beneath a machine resembling a giant microscope, he aimed the huge lens at my little reddish-orange head.