The empty city is kept tidy, Pete said to himself as the machine halted to send out pseudopodia to grope peevishly at a camellia bush.
On the other hand, if the answer is 'no', the machine might never halt.
The language consisting of all Turing machine descriptions paired with all possible input streams on which those Turing machines will eventually halt, is not recursive.
Clearly, if the machine does halt, this algorithm has a path which accepts.
If the machine does not halt, this algorithm will always reject, no matter what number the second part of the program returns.
The machine halted again.
If an unexpected number were still in the IR, then the machine would have detected an error and could HALT (for example).
As a trivial example, a machine implementing a finitary decision tree will always halt.
(c) Successful computation - number format at Halt: The machine will halt on a single block of marks that represent the sum in the conventional sense.
The machine had halted.