In a different process, carried out at the same time, the machines filled several large tanks with pure oxygen.
It wouldn't have made much sense if the machines filled the niche they were supposed to be keeping empty.
As the lights dim, a machine fills his yard with fog and a moving spotlight appears.
The machine fills what seems like an appropriate container, and after watching it sit untouched between them, a feeling takes hold of her.
The machine sensed his excitement and filled his lungs ever faster.
The Next machine, billed as a "scholar's work station," fills a niche between the two.
The machine will hunt for this blank and fill it in.
One night the machine went haywire and filled the room with noxious smoke, but no one seemed to mind.
There was a side road down into the valley, and machines filled it too.
Huge machines filled the massive chamber, towering above him.