Players heal in by punching vending machines filled with "Power Cola," causing consumable soda cans to fall out.
A machine filled with balls (similar to those used for lottery games) was then turned on, and the machine released a series of numbered balls, depending on which game is to be played, usually between two and four.
Big enough that the Treasury Department's Inspector General for Tax Administration looked into the problem, and released a report on the Internal Revenue Service's penchant for losing machines filled with unencrypted tax data.
Camera Challenge: Each finalist went to a vending machine filled with Hershey candy.
Nosé's machine consisted of a coil (to transport the blood) placed in a household (electric) washing machine filled with dialysate.
The high school has two refrigerated vending machines filled with fresh fruit cups, sandwiches, bagels and grilled chicken salads.
Inside, he finds six coin-operated washing machines, four gas dryers, a vending machine filled with small boxes of detergents and fabric softeners, a large table on which clean clothes can be folded, and a pair of deep sinks.
At the heart of the system is a massively parallel NCR model 3600, a machine filled with the same Intel chips that power today's personal computers.
The Knicks were described as a broken-down machine filled with flaws and defects.
An old red Coke machine stood next to a newer machine filled with candy and chips.