On some 10,000 ballots, or about 2 percent, the machine count indicated no selection for president.
It was obvious that the machine counts of the Florida votes were incomplete and faulty.
And with respect to Nassau County, you have a situation in which there were two machine counts.
But what is involved are two machine counts.
In Washington, a candidate may request one hand count or machine count, provided that they pay for the estimated cost of the recount up front.
They can be recounted, and if there is a discrepancy between them and the machine count, the paper ballots are the final word.
When the machine count had him up by 42 votes, they asked for me to concede.
Manual recounts are appropriate whenever there is a question about the integrity of the machine counts.
On election night, the machine count in the 73rd gave him a 14 percentage point lead over Ms. Krueger.
The list includes at least 2,566 works by 775 composers (last machine count 8 April 2011).