The excerpt is an ode to love and wine improvised at a banquet; it gives satisfying evidence that Mascagni's lyrical vein was not completely exhausted in 1935.
Zdravitsa, in Prokofiev's broad, lyrical vein, contains music that would certainly have fit into his ballet Romeo and Juliet.
More recently, Mr. Henze has returned to the lyrical vein he mined so successfully in the period leading up to "The Bassarids."
Like a love letter to his wife, this alluring score showed the elegantly cerebral Mr. Lieberson in a new, generous and lushly lyrical vein.
Josh Dayton is a contemporary heir to that tradition, but in a more lyrical vein, as he shows in "Chase," with its ascending dance of lively gestures.
Grieg's concerto likewise begins in a striking manner after which it continues in a lyrical vein.
This piece explores a predominantly lyrical vein.
Only at the end of the final act, when Makropulos' vulnerability is revealed, does the music tap into and develop the rich lyrical vein that has driven it throughout.
Completed in 1928, the year Bartok wrote his Fourth, the work courses with the same compressed energy but channels it through a more Romantic and lyrical vein.
Then he returns to his former sweetly lyrical vein.