The anthology is dedicated to the New Norwegian pioneer Ivar Aasen and it initiated a rich lyrical tradition in Gudbrandsdal during the following decades.
Mr. Matthiessen "is our greatest modern nature writer in the lyrical tradition that I have called Franciscan," Stephen Jay Gould said here last year.
The lyrical tradition of bush songs was born of settlers and influenced by Aboriginal society in the geographical areas referred to as The Bush.
For instance, the son montuno merges the Spanish guitar, melody, harmony, and lyrical traditions with Afro-Cuban percussion and rhythms.
The son arose in Oriente, the eastern part of the island, merging the Spanish guitar and lyrical traditions with African percussion and rhythms.
The Walton concerto follows in Elgar's lyrical tradition but is a world away from the older man's hot-blooded soul.
The poems in "Beyond the Limit" are proof of Miss Ratushinskaya's blood tie to the lyrical tradition of Russian poetry.
The son arose in Oriente, merging the Spanish guitar and lyrical traditions with Afro-Cuban percussion and rhythms.
He elevates rural speech, drawing on the rich, lyrical tradition of Persian poetry.