The lyrical structure is also seen as following a "yin-and-yang".
The song is also praised for its lyrical structure.
The song shares a common lyrical structure and themes with two other Springsteen songs.
The basic lyrical structure of "Hooray for Auburn" comes from a cheer that was common in the mid-twentieth century.
However, other critics felt that the lack of a strong lyrical structure and the use of Middle Eastern myths took away from the poem.
It was well crafted with lyrical structure which focus mostly on feel good and party themes.
Breaking the lyrical structure of the song, Zafo is spared the disparaging remark.
Each type uses the same basic lyrical structure, differing only in kind and degree of emotions portrayed.
All the tension built up by the struggle for balance between the lyrical and musical structures resolves itself gracefully in the even last line.
The song's lyrical structure is simple with the vast majority of the lines starting simply "Sun Arise".