I do not think I had ever been in such a luxurious place except where admission was charged.
Few would have considered it a luxurious place to live.
He had been locked in his own cell in the city jail, a luxurious place as jails went.
We are looking for a nice, clean beach, and a cosy but not necessarily luxurious place to stay.
It was named one of the most luxurious places in the world to "dry out" by Forbes.
The bathroom is two doors down the corridor on the left, and you will find it perhaps the most luxurious place in the entire house.
But people should be proud of this because the building is absolutely magnificent, and will have the appearance of being a very luxurious place.
He is at a luxurious place in Derbyshire with big beds, crisp sheets and a pool.
Newer, more luxurious places have gone up in recent years on other parts of the mountain that are not as conveniently situated.