Gone, too, will be large or luxurious offices for anyone.
A conference had begun in the luxurious office.
He strode swiftly across the luxurious private office and locked the door that led to the outer rooms.
In a few moments, he was conducted to the luxurious private office of Hankey.
When they were alone in his luxurious office, Rlinda settled herself onto a wide sofa.
Judge, in his luxurious office, was quietly reading the newspaper accounts of last night's great banquet.
They were offered seats inside Odusk's spacious and luxurious office.
But even with new salesrooms and luxurious offices, the two companies will forever have different images.
Jackie glanced around the large, luxurious office as she and Marguerite followed him to the desk.
He hurries downtown by subway to the luxurious offices of the huge international advertising agency.