The next two rooms are identical, a strange contrast to the luxurious carpet and ornate wallpaper in the hallway.
Executed by a local artist, Matej Sternen, it suggests a faded, luxurious carpet seen upside down.
He only shifted his muddy feet upon the luxurious carpet that covered the office floor.
Going inside the main House, a luxurious red carpet covers the whole room, with black and gold walls.
Standing with her feet firmly planted in the centre of that luxurious carpet, she had made her position absolutely clear.
Underfoot were spread luxurious carpets woven with elaborate designs in muted colors.
The key fell out of Lorraine's hand and landed silently on the luxurious carpet.
Almost holding his breath, Palin rose from his chair and crept silently across the beautiful, luxurious carpet to hear the dark elf's answer.
Then his shoes lay lifeless, separated from each other by an expanse of luxurious carpet.
He padded down the hall, his boots sinking almost soundlessly in the luxurious carpet, and paused at the base of the stairs.